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Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

lirik wonderboys suatu hari

Sakit sakit yang ku rasakan dalam hatiku Apakah kau merasakan sakit yang aku rasakan Perih perih yang kau berikan dalam hidupku Tak sanggup aku menahan perih yang aku rasakan Cukup bagiku dalam tangisku berdoa Suatu hari nanti kau akan mengerti saat aku pergi Suatu saat nanti saat ku pergi dan tak akan kembali Suatu hari nanti kau akan mengerti saat ku tak di sini Saat tubuhku mulai terbaring mati dan engkau menangis Sakit sakit yang ku rasakan dalam hatiku Apakah kau merasakan sakit yang aku rasakan Perih perih yang kau berikan dalam hidupku Tak sanggup aku menahan perih yang aku rasakan Cukup bagiku dalam tangisku berdoa Suatu hari nanti kau akan mengerti saat aku pergi Suatu saat nanti saat ku pergi dan tak akan kembali Suatu hari nanti kau akan mengerti saat ku tak di sini Saat tubuhku mulai terbaring mati dan engkau menangis Suatu hari nanti kau akan mengerti saat aku pergi Suatu saat nanti saat ku pergi dan tak akan kembali Suatu hari nanti kau akan mengerti saat ku tak di sini Saat tubuhku mulai terbaring mati dan engkau menangis Dan engkau menangis Share lyrics on Facebook

contoh expression of agreement and disagreement

A. AGREEMENT (kesetujuan) I agree (saya setuju) I am with you (saya sependapat dengan anda) I think so (saya kira begitu) It certainly is (saya kira juga) That is what I was thinking (itulah yang saya pikirkan/pkirannya saya juga begitu) I am of the same opinion (pendapat saya sama) B. DISAGREEMENT (ketidak setujuan) I disagree (saya tidak setuju) I am not with you (saya tidak sependapat) I can agree with (saya tidak dapat menyetujui pendapat anda) I can’t be along with you (saya tidak sepaham) I wouldn’t say that (saya tidak bias mengatakan begitu) I don’t think so (saya kira bukan begitu) Contoh dialogue Expressing Agreement and Disagreement Simak percakapan singkat meminta persetujuan dan menyatakan setuju dan tidak setuju dalam bahasa Inggris (asking and giving agreement/disagreement) berikut ini Strong agreement “I couldn’t agree with you more.” “You’re absolutely right.” “I agree entirely.” “I totally agree.” Partly agreeing “I agree with you up to a point, but…” “That’s quite true, but…” “I agree with you in principle, but…” Disagreeing “I’m not sure I agree with you.” “(I’m afraid) I don’t agree.” “(I’m afraid) I disagree.” “(I’m afraid) I can’t agree with you.” “(I’m afraid) I don’t share your opinion.” Perlu diingat bahwa saat kita tidak setuju pada seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris kita dapat menyatakan dengan kalimat yang lebih sopan seperti dengan kalimat seperti “I’m afraid…” Disagreeing strongly “I don’t agree at all.” “I totally disagree.” “I couldn’t agree with you less.” Contoh Lain Expressing Agreement and Disagreement Agreement (and continuing the dialogue) The point you made about “…..” is excellent. I’d like to add that… I agree with your comment “…”. What do you think about…? I’m with you on that point. What I still wonder about is…. I think what you’re saying about…. is so right. What would happen though if…? Yes, and in fact…. Yes, and what is more… Absolutely. Actually, I would go further, and say… Partial Agreement I agree with……, but what about …….? That’s a good point, but in my opinion…. That could apply in some situations, but what about when….? I understand your point about…, but I don’t understand….. It’s certainly true that…, but on the other hand…. I can see that…., but I think it’s also important to consider…. That makes sense, but could it also be true that…. I’d agree with you if…., but not if… I see what you mean with…, but I also think we need to consider…. Constructive Disagreement I can appreciate your point about…, but I would disagree because…. That’s interesting, however, from my point of view…. That may be the case, but in my experience….. I’m afraid I can’t agree with… because ….. I disagree. What about the situations where…? I don’t think that’s the case because …. I’m not so sure about that because… I don’t think your point about…necessarily follows because… I don’t really see it that way because….

contoh asking and giving direction

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh saat dialog tentang meminta dan memberikan petunjuk. Dialog di sini adalah dialog sederhana yang dapat dipelajari oleh pemula dalam penguasaan bahasa Inggris. Just check out ini! Percakapan 1 X: Selamat pagi, bisa saya bantu? Y: Selamat pagi, apakah Anda tahu di mana kantor Personal Manajer adalah? X: Tentu saja, itu di lantai dua, di ujung lorong. Anda dapat menggunakan lift. Y:. Terima kasih X: Terima kasih Percakapan 2 Ibu:. Tina, apakah Anda ingin menemani saya untuk pergi ke Toko Bunga, karena kita membutuhkan bunga baru untuk ruang tamu Tina: Ya, tentu saja. Saya pikir itu ide yang bagus! (Di toko bunga mereka bertemu seorang turis yang bertanya tentang kedai kopi) The Tourist: Permisi, saya sedang mencari Coffee Shop, bisa Anda ceritakan di mana itu? Tina: Ya, saya tahu tempat itu. Sangat dekat dari sini. Anda bisa langsung, maka Anda berbelok ke kiri. The Coffee Shop adalah di sisi kanan. Stranger: OK, saya pikir itu mudah untuk menemukan. By the way ...... terima kasih. Tina: Terima kasih Percakapan 3 Tony: Permisi, bisa Anda ceritakan di mana adalah Book Shop? Robin: Ya, saya tahu tempat itu. Itu adalah di depan toko sepatu Jensen. Tony: Saya minta maaf, saya tidak tahu di mana itu? Robin: Anda bisa langsung, kemudian berbelok ke kiri. Tony: OK, terima kasih. Percakapan 4 Siti: Selamat malam, Cara yang itu ke Watch Shop? I: ​​Selamat malam. Jika Anda ingin pergi ke Toko Jam, dari sini Anda bisa berbelok ke kiri. Hal ini antara Coffee Shop and Department Store. Siti: Dan bagaimana Perhiasan Crystal. Bagaimana saya bisa sampai di sana? I: Dari sini, Anda dapat pergi langsung dan itu adalah di sisi kanan. Siti: Terima kasih dan selamat .... Percakapan 5 A: Halo teman, Anda dapat membantu saya? Saya tidak tahu di mana rumah Anda, bisa Anda ceritakan cara mudah untuk pergi ke rumahmu? B: Oh, benar-benar! Tentu saja, aku akan. Anda dapat pergi ke rumah saya dengan becak, dan kemudian Anda dapat turun dari itu, berjalan melalui blok kelima, Anda bisa berbelok ke kanan dan melihat warna hijau rumah saya. J: OK, itu saja! Tunggu aku, aku akan datang ke rumah Anda dengan malam. B: Saya akan menunggu. Percakapan 8 X: Teman, bisa Anda tunjukkan jalan ke pompa bensin karena gas saya kosong. Y: Tentu saja, itu cara yang mudah . Anda hanya harus pergi sepanjang jalan Sudirman, menemukan berbalik, stasiun gas di sebelah kanan. X: Oh, saya pikir jauh dari sini. Terima kasih. Y: Terima kasih. Percakapan 6 A: Hei, aku ingin bertanya. Saya tidak tahu cara untuk butik, Anda dapat membantu saya? B: Tentu saja, saya bisa. Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah pergi langsung ke Avenue, melewati blok kedua maka Anda akan menemukan sebuah rumah biru, itulah butik. A: Oh, yang biru. Saya pikir saya tahu itu. Terima kasih. B: Terima kasih. Percakapan 7 X: Halo, teman. Dapatkah Anda membantu saya? Aku ingin pergi ke salon, saya ingin memotong rambut saya, tetapi saya tidak tahu di mana adalah Salon terbaik di kota ini. Y: Baiklah, saya akan memberikan beberapa petunjuk. Dari Delima jalan, Anda dapat pergi sepanjang jalan kemudian di sudut kiri Bank Anda dapat menemukan rumah kuning dekat toko kopi. Salon terbaik adalah dalam warna kuning. X: OK, terima kasih banyak atas bantuan Anda. Y: Terima kasih. Percakapan 8 teman Anda, Tony, longgar arah untuk pergi ke toko buku. Tony: saya berpikir bahwa saya ' m tidak akrab dengan tempat ini. Mungkin aku ingin meminta seseorang untuk mengarahkan saya. Permisi, bisa Anda mengarahkan saya untuk pergi ke Bookstore? Boy: Oke, saya akan memberikan arah. Anda dapat pergi di seberang lorong kemudian belok kiri, toko buku adalah dalam kebalikan dari Drugstore tersebut. Tony: Terima kasih. Boy: Terima kasih. Percakapan 9 sahabat pena Anda, Rhea, kehilangan dompetnya. Dia ingin pergi ke Kantor Polisi. Rhea: Selamat sore, anak muda! Saya butuh bantuan Anda. boy Muda: Ya, tentu saja, apa yang Rhea: Bisakah Anda memberitahu saya di mana Kantor Polisi, karena aku telah kehilangan dompet. boy muda: Oke, dari sini Anda dapat pergi lurus dan maka Anda akan menemukan giliran U sebelah Bank. Rhea: Terima kasih atas informasi Anda. boy Muda: Terima kasih.

contoh taking a reservation

1 A: Shogun Restaurant. B: Hi, I would like to make a dinner reservation. A: Of course, what evening will you be joining us on? B: We will need the reservation for Tuesday night. A: What time would you like the reservation for? B: We would prefer 7:00 or 7:30. A: How many people will you need the reservation for? B: There will be 4 of us. A: Fine, I can seat you at 7:00 on Tuesday, if you would kindly give me your name. B: Thank you. The last name is Foster. A: See you at 7:00 this Tuesday, Mr. Foster. B: Thank you so much. I appreciate your help. 2 A: This is Shogun Restaurant. B: Hello, I need to make a dinner reservation. A: Can you tell me what night you will be coming? B: We will be coming to your restaurant on Tuesday night. A: What time will you be dining with us? B: Our first choice would be 7:00, or perhaps 7:30. A: How many guests will be in your party? B: Four of us will be coming. A: Please just give me your name, and at 7:00 on Tuesday we will have a table for you! B: Great! Our last name is Foster. A: Thank you, Mr. Foster, see you this Tuesday at 7:00. B: I look forward to having dinner at your restaurant. Thank you for your help. 3 A: Shogun Restaurant of Pasadena. B: Hi, could you help me? I need to make a dinner reservation. A: I can help you if you can just tell me what evening you like the reservation for. B: Tuesday night is when we need the reservation for. A: What time do you think that you would like to have dinner? B: 7:00 would be best, or maybe 7:30. A: How many diners will be in your group? B: We need a reservation for four. A: I have a table for four available at 7:00, if you would just give me your name. B: My last name is Foster. Thank you for the reservation. A: Mr. Foster, we will be expecting you this Tuesday at 7:00. B: We will be there! Thanks for the help!

contoh making and taking a reservation

Hotel Vocabulary | Hotel Vocabulary Quiz | Reservations | Check-in/out front deskTaking a Reservation Front Desk Receptionist Enterprise Hotels, Lise speaking. How can I help you? What date are you looking for? How long will you be staying? How many adults will be in the room? I'm afraid we are booked that weekend. There are only a few vacancies left. We advise that you book in advance during peak season. Will two double beds be enough? Do you want a smoking or non-smoking room? The dining room is open from 4 pm until 10 pm. We have an indoor swimming pool and sauna. We serve a continental breakfast. Cable television is included, but the movie channel is extra. Take Exit 8 off the highway and you'll see us a few kilometers up on the left hand side. The rate I can give you is 99.54 with tax. We require a credit card number for a deposit. Guest I'd like to make a reservation for next week. Is it necessary to book ahead? Do you charge extra for two beds? How much is it for a cot? Do you offer free breakfast? Is there a restaurant in the hotel? Do the rooms have refrigerators? Do you do group bookings? Is there an outdoor pool? Do you have any cheaper rooms? When is it considered off- season? Sample Conversation Receptionist: Thanks for calling Quality Inn. Morine speaking. Caller: Hello. I'm interested in booking a room for the September long weekend. Receptionist: I'm afraid we're totally booked for that weekend. There's a convention in town and we're the closest hotel to the convention centre. Caller: Oh, I didn't realize. Well what about the weekend after that? Receptionist: So... Friday the seventeenth? Caller: Yes. Friday and Saturday. Receptionist: It looks like we have a few vacancies left. We recommend that you make a reservation, though. It's still considered peak season then. Caller: Okay. Do you have any rooms with two double beds? We're a family of four. Receptionist: Yes, all of our rooms have two double beds. The rate for that weekend is $129 dollars a night. Caller: That's reasonable. And do you have cots? One of my daughters might be bringing a friend. Receptionist: We do, but we also charge an extra ten dollars per person for any family with over four people. The cot is free. Caller: Okay, but I'm not positive if she is coming. Can we pay when we arrive? Receptionist: Yes, but we do require a fifty dollar credit card deposit to hold the room. You can cancel up to five days in advance and we will refund your deposit. Caller: Great, I'll call you right back. I have to find my husband's credit card. Receptionist: Okay. Oh, and just to let you know...our outdoor pool will be closed, but our indoor pool is open.